Women’s Leadership

High-Performance Leadership Training

Limited Enrollment: Accepting Two Women Per Session

Women in Leadership Development in Los Angeles, CA

The Women’s Leadership Academy is an exclusively private training and coaching engagement designed to support high-potential women as they move forward to the C-Suite.  Enrollment is limited to two women per six month sessions given the uniquely personalized assessment, training, and coaching nature of this experience. Each session involves a personal engagement with Dr. Nealon, a CEO with fifteen years experience in the C-Suite and long-time mentor to women leaders. 


You are a woman who is an intelligent and curious leader, and you know you are capable of inspiring meaning and purpose in others! The Women's Leadership Academy is the catalyst you need to realize your full potential of being a valued mentor and coach who builds strategic relationships and motivates others to high achievement. If you thrive in being self-aware and demonstrating empathy for others, and you are open to feedback, then you can awaken the competent, confident, effective, and impactful leader within you.  

Confidence. Impact. Effectiveness. You! IF:

  • YOU are a leader ready to move her career to the next level
  • YOU are a leader eager to hone her leadership skillset
  • YOU are a leader looking to leverage her talent and experience
  • YOU are a leader who can develop her high, performing, high achieving team

Then - Your Leadership Empowerment Journey Starts Here!


  • Leverage insights about your personal leadership strengths into meaningful developmental actions
  • Lead strategically and with a focused purpose
  • Increase your leadership impact
  • Lead inclusively
  • Become a more influential leader


  • Your Personalized Leadership Style Assessment - The Key to Leveraging your Strengths
  • Nine Power Training Sessions on Key Leadership Skills for Women - What You Need to Know to Soar
  • Individual Development Plan - Develop a Leadership Dashboard to Guide Your Leadership Journey

Leadership Assessment

You know your leadership success is crucial to your organization’s effectiveness. As a leader, you must take your company’s strategy and translate it into action. That takes a leader who can influence others and coordinate their efforts to deliver on these goals. 

 Your leadership effectiveness is greatly assisted by insight - your own and that of observers - into how your leadership style can determine your impact. Your individual Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ (LEA) feedback profile will give you a clear picture of the approach you are taking to your leadership role, with your boss, your peers, and your direct reports. The LEA provides you with the diagnostic feedback and strategies on how you can strengthen, modify, or add critical leadership behaviors to your leader's toolkit.

Power Training Sessions

Nine real-time targeted sessions will teach you the high-performance skills needed to propel your leadership influence and impact. 
  • 1. How Managers Become Leaders

    The growth from manager to leader sometimes requires letting go of the skills and ways of thinking that contributed to your current success. It involves emerging with a leadership mindset. This power session explores the transitions you  need to make the journey from manager to leader and details the strategies you can adopt for leadership readiness and impact.

  • 2. You’re a Good Leader. Now Become Great.

    Emotional Intelligence (EI) is crucial at all levels of leadership. It accounts for the difference between good and great. Emotional Intelligence can be taught. This power session lays out the five key components of EI, showing how you unlock your  potential to raise the leadership bar and help your  organization excel.

  • 3. Executive Presence

    Executive Presence is much more than the image you project or the competence you demonstrate in public speaking. Leadership authenticity, self-confidence, mindset, and interpersonal warmth are of equal importance. This session gives you the key dimensions of executive presence and delves meaningfully into dynamic changes any leader can make to ensure its outward expression.

  • 4. The Art of Decision-Making

    Making decisions is a leader’s most important job. Yet, there are traps that leaders fall into during the decision-making process without realizing it. The key to effective decision-making is raising awareness about these traps and monitoring them so that they do not lead to disaster. This power session teaches the leader about the psychological decision-making traps and errors in thinking before they become errors in judgment and helps you build discipline around the critical leadership dimension of making decisions. 

  • 5. The Focused Leader

    Leaders are required to direct their employees towards the vision and strategy of their organization and to subsequently deliver results. To do this well, the leader must must have laser-like focus! Focus requires discipline. This power session shows you how to take command of the demands on your attention - demands from yourself, from others, and from the noise around you - to direct action where it is needed most.

  • 6. IDEA - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility for Leaders

    More than ever before, leaders are responsible for developing and nurturing diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace environments to help employees thrive. Turning a diverse workplace into an inclusive workplace requires commitment and skill. This power session brings you up to speed on contemporary issues related to identity, power, and privilege, to raise awareness of individual employees’ respect and dignity and to equip you  with the strategies needed to facilitate inclusiveness.

  • 7. Managing the Difficult Employee

    Difficult employees disrupt the workplace and compromise employee productivity and morale. The behaviors of the difficult and even toxic employee need to be confronted and managed. This power session will show you how to identify difficult and toxic employees, effectively confront difficult behavior, and implement strategies to ensure change and back-on-track productivity.

  • 8. Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence

    Personal confidence inspires leadership confidence. You made your way to this point in your career because of your individual ability, not luck. Now is the time to own your success, push past imposter syndrome and stereotype threat, and understand how leadership self-awareness propels your natural strengths and unique abilities. 

  • 9. Stress Management

    A stressed-out leader is a less-than-effective leader. Women  often experience more stress, anxiety, and psychological distress than men. In part, this is a result of the way women are socialized to say yes and, in part, because women still disproportionately carry a heavier workload when working and having a family. Understanding stress is the first step to overcoming it. This power session covers both positive and negative stress, manifestations, and progressions into anxiety and short-and long-terms strategies to limiting exposure to and even avoiding stress. Individual approaches to stress management are highlighted as well as workplace strategies for stress management. 

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