Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA)

A flexible assessment tool for use in a broad variety of engagements, including:

• Coaching

• Team Development

• High Potential Selection and Development

• Succession Planning

• Mergers and Transitions

• Culture Shifts

• Candidate Selection

Growth as a
leader requires
exploration and

Many assessments attempt to reduce your diverse, multi-faceted leaders into a restrictive set of dimensions and place them on a single, narrow path — stifling potential and limiting growth.

The Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ suite of assessments offers an expansive, holistic, and unparalleled view of your current and emerging leaders and provides a clear roadmap for growth and increased success.

The LEA™ measures 22 leadership behaviors grouped into six core functions, creating a uniquely insightful profile that provides a nuanced and scientifically sophisticated development tool. By embracing individual leadership styles and placing them within the context of your organizational environment, the LEA™ stimulates individual and team growth through insights that are accurate, encouraging, and actionable.

With individual, multi-rater and organizational impact versions of the assessment, the LEA™ Suite will help you:

  • Identify specific leadership practices needed to achieve your organization’s strategic goals
  • Understand the leadership behaviors currently in practice and the gaps with desired state
  • Provide relevant, insightful feedback to leaders from a variety of observers
  • Build action and accountability into the leadership development process
  • Provide constructive coaching suggestions for key areas of leadership development
  • Assess a candidate’s potential for leadership positions

Used alongside other Nealon resources, the full suite of LEA assessments functions as the cornerstone of leadership development programs, and provides you with the tools to overcome key challenges, from succession planning in key positions to influencing shifts in organizational culture.

The LEA™ Core Assessments: for Individual Development

LEA 360™:

This revealing assessment provides leaders with feedback from their boss(es), peers, and direct reports, contextualizing behaviors, illuminating gaps between perception and reality, and leading to deep self-awareness.


For leaders who are committed to their success and want to understand their impact on others. This report

details 26 leadership competencies that provide actionable insights into the impact leaders have on their key constituents.


When gathering observer perceptions is not an option, the powerful insights of the LEA™ model are available in a self-only format.

The LEA™ Core Assessments: for Organizational Development


Because leadership is the dominant influence on organizational culture, Nealon created an assessment that gives organizations deep, clear insights into the culture created by leadership practices and behaviors.


Oriented toward the future, this questionnaire is ideal for organizations who are looking to define the approach to leadership that will enable them to successfully achieve their strategic objectives.


Grounded in current conditions and tied to specific leadership roles, this questionnaire is used to establish

leadership priorities for a particular role or roles.

Great leadership does not have a universal formula. Empower leaders to chart their path to success with assessments that respect individuality, foster self-awareness and inspire growth that will support organizational success.



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Nealon is a global leader in designing assessments that foster a deep self-awareness and impact people in profound and meaningful ways. The Nealon suite of scientifically designed instruments, backed by more than three decades of research, includes solutions for Leadership and Personal Development, Sales and Service. Nealon believes that by recognizing the whole self, in all its complexity, you can support individuals as they increase their self-awareness, channel their motivational energy, discover new opportunities for growth, and actively engage in their own development. Momentum.

What sets Nealon assessments apart?

Superior Instrument Design.

Unique questionnaire design blends forced-choice and anchored rating scale formats, resulting in an accurate, objective instrument that is very difficult to manipulate

Global Platform.

Available in up to 18 languages with over 40 regional norms and a network of thousands of practitioners around the world


Configure results to align with organizational competencies, client branding, and program-specific content.

Unparalleled Customer Service.

Nealon’s experienced and accessible service team supports you in executing successful projects and engagements

Are you ready to experience the powerful insights of the LEA 360™?

Contact us today:

Michele Nealon, Psy.D.

Phone: 661-523-4324

Email: info@thenealongroup.com

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